Special Supply Of Disinfectant Materials For Customers2020-05-07
To fight against COVID-19, Richest Group launched special project and supply disinfectant materials for customers since Feb.
Since the end of 2019, COVID-19 is spreading all over the world. Several months have passed, but the epidemic is still serious in many countries. Fighting against the epidemic is everyone’s responsibility.
At this specifical period, Richest Group hopes to fight together with global customers against the epidemic and help customers away from the disease. Therefore, Richest Group has launched the "COVID-19 Infection Protection" project.

From February 2020, Richest Group began to provide disinfectant materials for customers around the world, such as IPA / Isopropyl Alcohol, Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride / DDAC, Benzalkonium Chloride 50% / BZK, Carbomer 940 / Carbopol 940, HPMC, etc.
Now, Richest Group need to provide more than 1,000 tons of disinfectant materials to customers worldwide every day, and has won the praise of many customers for high-quality products and one-stop service. In the future, we will continue to providewhat you need!

We hope that the epidemic will no longer spread and people in all countries will keep healthy. We believe that with the efforts of people all over the world, the epidemic will be end soon!

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